Education is all about creating an environment of academic freedom


The department of EE started functioning from the year 2003 with an intake capacity of 60 students each. The department has well qualified and highly motivated faculty members with various specializations and the laboratories are well equipped with modern state of the art facilities for research work. It contains people from industry and academia young and old all coordinated into vibrant team The department of EE and all its laboratories are integrated together in a single building occupying four floors. Apart from all experiments as per syllabus, the labs are aesthetically designed to ensure comfortable working environment along with some unique features. The electrical drives laboratory contains modules with PC based PLC control. The power system lab contains computer based transmission line trainer and latest solid state digital relays for bus bar and transformer protection and generator protection which is capable of handling industrial workshops. It is proposed to upgrade the facility to a switchgear repairing workshop. The electrical machine design laboratory is being upgraded for motor winding / assembling unit apart from simulation and design.