SKS Group is exceptionally renowned in the field of education situated in Northern & Eastern parts of India. And have set-up exemplary benchmark in Engineering, Management, Pharmaceuticals, and Medicals & Schools.
Bengal College of Engineering & Technology stretches out its fullest assistance, co-operation and support to the final year students for suitable placement in different renowned companies. The T&P Cell continuously coordinates with the various industries and organizations for placement of the students. It liaises with the Corporate sectors and helps in developing the industry-academic inter-relationship.
The Cell organizes various summer & winter internship programmes for final & pre-final year students to provide them with hands-on experience and introducing them to match the professional environment.
It is almost a regular feature that experts from industry are invited to deliver special lectures to the students to bring in current awareness on latest technology and practices and to bring their knowledgebase to frontiers of cutting-edge technology. On the eve of the Foundation Day on 3rd September, the college organizes Industry -Institute interaction where experts from various large and medium industries and research institutions interact with the students, faculty and staff through lectures, seminars and workshops and exchange their views about the various developments and requirements of the industries
We call this a professional Development Program (PDP) Our in-house faculties regularly give special coaching to our students to enhance their Technical and soft skills. This is an on-going process.
To supplement this process we are imparting special training to our students on Java, J2EE, Dot Net, XML, and Core Net working. These trainings are imparted beyond normal classes. The college is networked with Infosys by Campus Connect programs which are conducted regularly for upgradation of the skills of the students.
To enhance communication and inter-personal skill of our students a group of experts from Educational Service Agencies impart training to the students beyond normal class hours.
We are also identifying future areas of development of our students so that special need-based training and development can be imparted to them.
Each year Summer Training / Internships for 3rd / 2nd year B.Tech students are arranged by T.P. Cell as per University Curriculum during June-July at reputed Companies like CMERI, Durgapur Steel Plant, Durgapur Projects Ltd., Damodar Valley Corpn., ITI Ltd. (Bangalore), Eastern Railway, S.E. Railway, IOCL, BHEL, WBPDCL, Metro Rail (Kolkata), Prasar Bharti, AAI Ltd., NTPC-Farakka, CESC, IISCO, BSNL, Bokaro Steel Plant, V.E.C.C. (Kolkata), CMC, Siemens, PCBL (Durgapur), Graphite India, Durgapur Steel Thermal Power Station (DSTPS), Mejia Thermal Power Station (MTPS), Chittaranjan Locomotives, HP, Ardent, Micropro, etc.
B.Tech Students of 2nd/3rd year also prefer to undergo short-term vocational training during end- December to 2nd week of January every year i.e. in their winter break. This training is also arranged by T.P.Cell in various industries including Doordarshan Kendra, Kolkata and Ranchi.
Arrangements for Industry visits and Industry based Project work are also made regularly. Special in-house coaching on communication skill, soft skills and general aptitude is imparted to our students to make them industry-ready. Workshops & Seminars on such special training are also conducted.
Rakesh Yadav
Sr. Training & Placement Officer
Mobile: 9933564121
Email: placement@bcetdgp.ac.in