Admission Process & Eligibility Criteria

- Smoking, chewing of tobacco and gutka is not permitted in the College premises.Don’t spit on the walls, stairs, corridors and floors of the building and help in maintaining cleanliness inside or outside the college/hostel building. Students indulging in these bad habits shall be expelled from the college.
- Students are advised to keep identity cards with them, students who fail to show identity card may be sent back to their homes or may be punished for violating the rules.
- Treat all staff and fellow students with respect.
- Swearing and offensive language is unacceptable and liable for expulsion from college.
- Bullying is unacceptable.
- Misbehavior inside the class room shall make the student liable for expulsion from the college.
- Don’t bring outsiders in or out side of the campus to settle personal issues. In case of any problem put your grievances before the competent authority.
- Don’t pluck flowers or leaves and harm greenery created inside the premises.
- Be punctual on college timings, late comers will not be allowed to enter in the classroom.
- Attend all classes and maintain 100% attendance.
- Keep mobile phone switched off. College does not take any responsibility regarding the security of the same.
- Be ready for taking all periods by bringing relevant books, files, pens and equipments.
- Don’t bring food or eatables into the classroom except bottled water.
- Respect your teachers and fellow students.
- Pay attention at all time in classroom, workshops and laboratories without disrupting teaching to facilitate proper learning environment.
- Always wear proper uniform as per College uniform code.
- Don’t sit idle or wander here and there during the college time or even in leisure time. Use the library / Lab facilities for better learning.
- Don’t damage the classroom/college property because strong action is taken against the guilty students individually or collectively.
- Don’t bring fire-arms or sharp edge weapons inside the College Campus.
- Students are jointly responsible for the safety of fittings inside the classroom.
All students are bound by the code of conduct for Halls of Residence. Any student found disobeying / violating the code of conduct may be expelled /punished.
Some of the important highlights of the Code of Conduct are as follows:
- Accommodation in halls of residence will be provided after receiving duly filled application form along with deposit slip of accommodation fee. Application Form must be signed by the student and counter signed by his/her parents.
- Students will have to submit a written agreement on Rs. 10/- non judicial stamp paper stating that he/she will abide by the terms and conditions of the halls of residence and will not claim accommodation fee back in case of leaving hall of residence in any circumstances.
- Students shall have to annex a medical certificate with the application form for allotment of rooms in halls of residence that they are vaccinated against chicken pox,measles, Tuberculosis BCG, MMR, Hepatitis etc.
- It is necessary to occupy room within 7 days of its allotment in the hall of residence, if it is not occupied in the given period, then the room as well as the deposit will be forfeited.
- Students are expected to report at once to warden/ caretaker in case of infection which may turn in some serious disease of communicable nature.
- Students are expected to remain present in assembly at right time for attendance in side the hall of residence every morning / evening.
- Students can not stay inside hall of residence during college study hours without prior permission from warden.
- Students are not allowed to go outside during the scheduled Study Hours from halls of residence in evening, student found outside hall of residence during these hours shall be suspended from the college.
- Students inviting outsiders, anti-social elements into halls of residence shall be rusticated from the college.
- Occupancy of room may be terminated from halls of residence if student is found guilty of violating rules frequently.
- Students are not allowed to shift furniture or move anything from the room.
- Firearms and other weapons are not allowed, it may lead to termination of occupancy from hall of residence /expulsion from the college.
- Don’t shout or run in the passage of hostel and keep yourselves away from causing noise. Don’t play music on mobile, radio etc.
- Always switch off all electrical gadgets before going outside the room and don’t let the water flow unnecessarily. Be economical in using water and electricity.
- Students must refrain themselves from ragging anywhere in the college campus or the halls of residence.
- Students are responsible for the security / upkeep of furniture and fixture, fittings and other electrical appliances provided to them into their rooms by the college as well their own valuable personal belongings. Penalty will be levied upon the student who is found guilty of damaging above mentioned items.
- The Hostel Administration cannot be held responsible for loss of any valuable personal belongings of the Hostel Resident. It is the responsibility of the Hostel Resident himself/ herself to take care of his/her belongings.
- Smoking, consuming of alcohol, tobacco and gutkha etc are strictly prohibited.
- Boys are not allowed to visit the hall of residence for Girls and vice-versa.
- Keep the environment of halls of residence calm to get homely feelings which will help you to fulfill your goal.
- Guest may not stay overnight without the permission of Warden inside the guest room of halls of residence.
- Students shall leave halls of residence after handing over keys of room to warden / caretaker before going on to summer vacations / at the end of the Accommodation contract period.
- Breakfast / Lunch / Evening Tea / Dinner will be available strictly according to the Mess timings.
- Students are expected to visit mess during mess timings only.
- Students must not create crowd inside the mess and should go inside as per the seating capacity of mess. They must maintain mess discipline in the mess.
- Students must take their meal silently and must help mess staff in proper distribution of food. Please note that food /water cannot be serve on tables in the mess and self –service applies all the time.
- Students must not abuse mess staff.
- Student must not enter in the kitchen of mess.
- Student must not move furniture of mess here and there.
- Student must provide their support in maintaining the property of the mess and must keep themselves away from damaging the same.
All grievances related to Mess should be brought up during the Mess Committee meetings.
College Rules & Regulations
Apart from maintaining courteous behavior in and outside the campus,students must adhere to the college rules:
- Attend all the classes punctually according to the time table. Wear appropriate uniform in different seasons. As per MAKAUT-WB Norms 75% attendance is compulsory.
- Abstain from smoking, alcohol/ drugs etc.
- Do not indulge in any activity, which is detrimental to the interests and dignity of the college. Follow the academic calendar published for each semester.
- During college hour students are not allowed to go outside the campus.
- Students should follow the rules prescribed by Library Committee, Disciplinary and Proctor Committee, failing which he/she may be penalized.
The name of the student shall stand automatically removed from the rolls of the College if:
- He/She, although otherwise eligible, does not deposit any tuition, examination & other fee due.
- He/She fails to submit his/her examination/admission form in time without prior permission from the Principal.
- He/She indulges in any act of indiscipline and illegal activities like ragging that are detrimental to the interest of the college.
As per MAKAUT-WB Norms 75% attendance is compulsory.
Note: All disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of Civil and Sessions court, Durgapur.