Our Achievements
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The National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi, the apex accreditation authority in India, has granted Tier-II accreditation to the 3 Undergraduate Programmes in Engineering for three years with effect from academic year 2017-18.
The 3 programmes accredited with this distinction are Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Engineering. This is the third time that BCET has been awarded the NBA Accreditation, now under the New Outcome Based System of Education in Tier–II format.
The Entrepreneurship Development Cell was initiated in July 2007 by Prof. Dr. AC. Ganguly, Director, SKS Group of Institutions. The objective of this cell is to motivate students towards entrepreneurship awareness, innovative thinking and product development and creation of startups. Over the years students have organized and participated in various activities which are listed below.
a) Seminar on Startup Guidelines
An exclusive seminar conducted in association with the delegates from Bihar Entrepreneurship Association held in BCET seminar hall. Various topics regarding Intellectual Property Laws, Govt funding sources and scope of artificial intelligence in startup ecosystem were discussed.
The eminent guests for the seminar were: (i) Mr Abhishek Kumar (Secretary General Bihar Entrepreneurship Association) , (ii) Mr Divyam(Co-founder Code Buckets for AI and ML) and (iii) Mr Ashutosh Kumar(Co-founder Road Express Pvt Ltd)
b) List of Student Start-ups
Name | Year of graduation | Name of the venture | Brief Outline |
Mr Gautam Bhagat | 2016 | Coal Gaadi | Online coal electronic auction |
Mr Bhanu Prakash Agarwal | 2017 | SPES Monitoring System | Monitoring of electricity consumption using Internet of Things technology |
Mr Roshan Yadav | 2018 | Quick Meds | Retailing of medicines through mobile app |
Mr Ujjal Sharma | Will pass out in 2022 | Vsus | Retailing and suggestive information about electronics gadgets |
BCET not only encourages students to learn but also participate in activities that are enriching not only for themselves but also for the society. With this end in view, some of the innovative projects by the students is listed below:
a) Secure Information Exchange Using Image Processing
This project has been prepared by Antima Kumari Singh, Barsh Rai, Taniya Kumari in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering. In this project, importance is given to security of information by keeping hackers unknown about the presence of information in the document. The techniques used is known as cryptography. It secures information exchange over the internet using image processing.
b) Application of Facial Recognition, Gesture Recognition and Motion detection
and Tracking.
This project has been prepared by our student Mr Dibakar Saha in the department of Computer Science & Engineering. This project aims on doing by making and effective use of camera for computer vision instead of using just for photographic purpose. Though keyboard and mouse are the most important input device that can do the work, both is relatively better. This project accomplishes that by effectively using the concepts of facial recognition, gesture recognition and motion detection and tracking via computer vision.
c) Voice Controlled Social Networking
This project has been developed by Ms Akancha Kumari and Mr Ashutosh Kumar in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering. This project has focussed on speech recognition technologies for language recognition where a user can write, store, chat or send messages to other registered users. They can also share and view their thoughts on timeline. This will enable the users to interact in a new way of communication.
d) Neural Machine Translation
This project has been developed by Mr Anandra Pratap Singh and Mr Ayush Singh in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering. Machine translation being a key application in the field of natural language processing, it leads to develop many approaches namely, statistical machine translation and recently neural machine translation This project aims for more accuracy and five more efficiency in machine translation. It can be embedded in electronic gadgets which will make it more convenient for communication between several regional languages
Students have performed well in extra curricular activities, intra football tournament at BCET from 7th to 10th Sep, 2019 and inter college competitions in different colleges like IIT (BHU) Varanasi, NIT-Durgapur, IIT,-Mumbai and many other places. Recently they won shield, medals, certificates in the sports meet at BHU. A detail report is mentioned below:
SI. No. | Event | Organized by | Name of Participants | Achievements |
1 | Taekwando at Spardha, 2019 Festival from 18th Oct to 20th Oct, 19
| IIT, BHU | i. Gaurav Sahu, ECE, 4th Sem | 1st Prize |
ii. Sonam Raj, IT, 4th Sem. | ||||
iii. Jagriti Kumari, IT, 4th Sem. | ||||
2.. | Taekwando at Spardha, 2019 Festival from 18th Oct to 20th Oct, 19 | IIT, BHU | i. Virat Prasad, CSE, 4th Sem. | 2nd Prize |
ii. Rishabh Raj, CSE, 4th Sem. | ||||
iii. Rohit Ranjan, ME, 4th Sem | ||||
iv. Ashwani Kr. Sonu, CSE, 4th Sem | ||||
3. | Taekwando at Spardha, 2019 Festival from 18th Oct to 20th Oct, 19 | IIT, BHU | i. Rohit Kumar, CE, 4th Sem. | 3rd Prize |
ii. Anshal Kumar, EE, 4th Sem. | ||||
iii. Manisa Baur, ECE, 4th Sem. | ||||
iv. Bandana Kumari, CE, 4th Sem. | ||||
4. | Taekwando at Spardha, 2019 Festival from 18th Oct to 20th Oct, 19
| IIT, BHU | i. Gulam Hasnain, ME, 4th Sem. | 4th Prize |
ii. Akhilesh Kumar, EEE, 4th SEm. | ||||
iii. Gunjana Kumari, ECE, 4th Sem. | ||||
5. | 30th All India Full Contact Karate Tournament, 2019 on 10th Nov, 219 | Kyokushin Karate Foundation of India, Guwahati | i. Gulam Hasnain, ME, 4th Sem. | 2nd Prize
ii. Akhilesh Kumar, EEE, 4th Sem | 3rd Prize |
BCET, BCE, BCPSR, BCP are creating exemplary action to engage its students during this lock down period (March’20 to May’20) to sustain their careers by following activities.
- Taking classes online through Google classroom/CISCO Webex
- Giving MCQs/Assignments/Term papers
- Online laboratory orientation
- Online skilling orientation
- Online classes through SWAYAM, NPTEL, COURSERA, etc
- Online activities through tutorial through IIT Mumbai and online examination and certification.
- Online internship programme
- Online faculty development programme
- Online communication skill development